Firstly, make sure that you're on the Stock Checks screen by clicking on the menu item shown below.
Printing a stock sheet
You can choose to print a stock sheet to take to the CD cabinet. Choose "Stock checks" from the menu and click the "Print stock sheet" button to show the print dialog.
Select your printer and print as you would any other document.
Recording the stock check
Once your stock count has been performed click the "New stock check" button. You'll then see the screen below.
Choosing checked drugs
The first step of entering your stock is deciding whether you're only counting the stock for a select few drugs, or all drugs on your register.
All drugs
If you're wanting to enter the stock levels for all of your drugs click on the "add all drugs" text. This will add all of the drugs on your CD register to your current stock check.
Individual drugs
If you're only wanting to check the stock of one or two individual drugs, then you can search for them using the "Search for drug" box.
Entering stock levels
Once you've selected the drugs for your stock check, you will see a section for each drug allowing you to enter the total quantity, quantity expired, and optionally an annotation:
Note: The "total quantity" includes the expired stock, if any
Expiry date management
There are two ways to deal with expired stock, depending on the level of detail you want to go into:
Simply enter the quantity which is expired (default option)
Enter expiry dates and quantities for each date
Note that if you choose to enter expiry dates, you'll also have to enter dates when you book in stock, destroy stock, and do future stock checks.
To enable the option to enter expiry dates, click the "Record expiry dates for this drug" checkbox. Then, you'll see the expiry date field appear:
If you have multiple expiry dates, you can click "Add another expiry date" for each date:
Note: The "Correction" section adds up the different dates for you and tells you what the difference with the current balance is. If it's negative, you've lost some stock, and if it's positive, you've counted more stock than you previously thought you had.
Optional annotation
If the quantity of your checked stock doesn't match what you expected it to you can add an optional annotation explaining the reason for the discrepancy.
Finishing the entry
Once you have updated the amounts of each drug to match the printed stock check sheet, identify yourself in the "Entered by" field to ensure the entry is accountable find out more here.
Click the "Save" button and you're done.
What it does
Once you click "Save" Clara will add entries to each of the drugs in the stock check. Detailing that a stock check has been done, any adjustments, your current balance and any optional annotation you added.
It will also store the expiry dates or expired quantity against the drug, which you can see from the top of the page for a given drug:
If you've entered individual expiry dates, you will be able to expand this section to show the expiry date details:
The expired total will also show in the drug list: