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Near miss/error Log
Near miss/error Log

Recording a near miss or an error doesn't have to be a time intensive process. Read this guide to learn how to use Clara's Log.

Alan avatar
Written by Alan
Updated over a week ago

The first step to using the Near miss/Error log is to click on "Logs" in the menu.

From here, if it is not already selected, click on "Near miss/error log".

When you first open the Error log you will see something similar to the screen below.

Creating an entry

To create an entry, click on the "New" button at the top. This will take you to

Date and time of the error

Here you will use the date picker function in Clara to select the day and time that the error or near-miss occurred.

Clicking on the calendar icon allows you to choose the date from a calendar layout, rather than entering it manually.

As with the date, clicking on the clock icon will allow you to choose the time from a dropdown, saving you time entering it manually.

Near miss or error

The next step is to choose whether the incident is a Near miss or an Error. As it says below the dropdown box "A near miss is an error discovered before the item leaves the pharmacy".


Now you will select the category of the error, there are 2 categories to choose from:

Labelling error

If an error was made when creating the labels, or if the labels ended up on the incorrect items. This would be a labelling error.

Selection error

You will pick this one if the error was made during the picking process e.g. picked the incorrect strength of the drug, or picked the wrong drug off of the shelf.


If it was neither a selection nor labelling error, you can choose other. Choosing this option will show a "Details" box, asking you to describe what happened.

Choosing "Other" will also remove the "What is wrong" dropdown box mentioned below.

What is wrong

If you selected either a Labelling or Selection error you will see this dropdown box. This box will allow you to pick what was wrong. The options you can choose from are listed below.

  • Out of date

  • Patient name

  • Patient address

  • Drug

  • Brand

  • Form

  • Quantity

  • Strength

  • Missing item

  • Extra item

  • Transposed labels

Staff involved

Choosing the staff involved uses Clara's record of staff members, if you have already added your staff members, simply start typing their name into the box and Clara will suggest them below.

You can select multiple staff members the same way if there were multiple people involved.

Drug(s) involves

Here you can use Clara's drug search to pick the drug (or drugs) involved in the error. Start by typing in the name, strength and form of the drug into the box and Clara will filter the list based on what you have entered. You can also use abbreviations when searching e.g. "para 500 caps" for "Paracetamol 500mg Capsules".

Action taken

What did you do to correct the error?


If you have any additional comments on the error you can put them here. It can also be useful to enter any of the learning points from the error here.


Select whether you reported the error to the relevant people or not.


To finish off the entry, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Created entry

Once you have created an entry by following the steps above an entry will be created. An example entry is shown below.


You can filter the entries in the list by clicking the "Filters" button at the top. This will bring up a menu with various filter options.

Start & End date

Using the Start date and End date filters you can view entries:

Since a certain date

By using only the Start date box you can show only errors logged since whichever date you select.

Between two dates

If you enter both a Start and End date, you will see only the entries between those 2 dates.

Before a certain date

If you use only the end date, you can filter the log to show only the entries before that date.

Staff member

You can choose to filter the list of entries by a staff member. Allowing you to check whether they're frequently making errors and what types of errors these are.

Selecting no staff member means it will show entries including any staff member.

Near miss or error

Choose whether you filter by Any, Near misses or Errors.


Filter by Any, Labelling, Selection or Other errors.

Error type

This field mirrors the "What is wrong" field mentioned above, with the same options.

  • Out of date

  • Patient name

  • Patient address

  • Drug

  • Brand

  • Form

  • Quantity

  • Strength

  • Missing item

  • Extra item

  • Transposed labels

The filters stack, so you can filter by a combination of options at once e.g. Labelling issues in March involving a certain staff member. Which could highlight a need for refresher training.

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